News from All Things Aquatic
Ultra low nutrients; associated nuisance algaes and coral health
5 Minute read Ultra low nutrients; associated nuisance algaes and coral health Running your reef aquarium with nutrients as low as possible has always been the goal for the home reef tank. Closely replicating the water quality found in natural reefs and oceans makes perfect sense when keeping animals in their natural environment. A distinction between nutrients and nutrition must firstly be explained. As although corals have the ability to assimilate (absorb) nutrients like nitrate and phosphate directly from the water column this can be difficult at times for the coral organism. They also consume nutritional particles when feeding. This...
Preparing your pond for summer
Properly preparing your pond for the summer is a great way to reduce any unnecessary battles with algae or water clarity allowing you to enjoy your pond the way you would like. Here we have 5 top tips to keep your pond clean all summer. 1. Change your UV bulb A UV clarifier is the best method for removing single cell algae's that cause green water. The life expectancy of a bulb is usually around 6-12months for maximum effectiveness. After this they will still often light up but the bulb has aged enough that the spectrum shifts and it is...